Lockdown – what did you do?

111 days locked down and if someone asked what you did, what would you say?

Don’t worry, this took me a while, too. But when writing this months newsletter for you I needed a hero article so found myself asking this very question…

I pressed again, and to be fair, I was able to pleasantly surprise myself.

So, In reverse order and among other things we bought a company car, we enhanced and sold a fellow owners Individual E46 M3 which was in store at our Ware site, we replaced the window rubbers on an R32 Skyline and finally, after a herculean effort managed to get ‘Reggie’, a lovely little Austin 1100 back on the road! Oh, and just in case you hadn’t noticed we also re designed our website?

Although it’s not 8PM applause worthy I have to say, looking back (what a nice thing to hopefully say be able to say, ‘looking back’) on it we managed to not only keep the lights on but also help some of you out with the odd project or two.

In the meantime, have a cruise around the new site and let us know what you think, we’d of course welcome any ideas or feedback.

As always, anything you need as things wake back up just give us a shout – here’s to a great bounce back.

Richard and Tim
