Beauty and the Titanic

On the ramp - Beauty and the Titanic

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Most cars can be painted and detailed to take on a stunning appearance but on the  underside at the business end it can resemble the Titanic! For the ‘thin edge’ of a panel (and there are many of these) has very little surface area, it’s where two panels are typically spot welded together. 


The shiny new panels when spot welded together at the factory have a protective surface and are then seam sealed and treated with a rubberized protective coating. This is usually more than adequate to see the vehicle past what we term it’s ‘first life’.


Nudge it down the road a little, when these cars are actually becoming a classic and one will find that the virtually non existent surface area on this ‘thin edge’ (which could take very little of the protective material in the first place) has now become separated from the metal causing the road detritus to find a home and with no need to rest, spend 24/7 eating into the seam and causing it to separate.


A cursory inspection might have it all looking safe and sound but with a little prising along these edges one often finds the rubberized protective coating is no longer attached and sitting there hiding rust that can migrate back below its surface undetected.


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Left unchecked the metal begins to degrade and will eventually be eaten away leaving a hole. These can be quite localized areas and if caught in time can be either treated before the integrity of the panel is compromised or the area cut out and a new patch welded in. 

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Over the next few newsletters we will take you through the stages of how this issue can be processed.  

Thankfully it’s not all doom, gloom and rust holes though. We’ve also come up close and personal with these extremely well maintained examples of an E46 M3 - in for an underside inspection and POR15 permanent rust preventer. Also this stunning MGB GT - in for an underside inspection and enhancements.

Feel free to get in touch in the meantime to discuss anything we’ve raised (get it….raised….Titanic).

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