On the Ramp

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This month we’ve had plenty of little projects on the ramp. Most interesting is this 1977 Austin Allegro, not the obvious choice we know. The Allegro is one of those cars where eyebrow raising seems to follow, usually from people that have no first-hand experience with them. This particular example has recently been bought at auction showing just 10,000 miles. The owner just couldn’t say ‘no’ when she crossed the auction block and with nostalgia filling his bidding finger she was his!

Wanting to know what he’d bought, and what jobs needed addressing a slot at our ramp for an underside inspection was booked. Along with Richard and I the three of us went through the underside of the car and wrote up a list. The car is remarkably original condition and would appear the 10,000 miles is correct, and thankfully not too many “monsters” were found lurking underneath. Congratulations on the purchase and enjoy the next phase of your journey.

The SLK has also had a bit of a springtime refresh having had an underside clean, some small items replaced or restored, some dents removed, and then a full underside seal. We’re pleased with how it’s come out. 

The M3? Well, let’s say that’s a bit of a long termer - we’re currently trying to get it ready for it’s NASCAR debut!