
Underside Wash...

As I type this the snow of Storm Darcy still falling; but is it too early to start thinking about better weather? The short answer is “no”. We are exited to offer a new underside inspection, wash, and restoration service. We have just had a newly installed outdoor 4 post lift at our Broxbourne facility. The best news of all is that we are now including an underside inspection to all of our Care Package clients, so if you’ve already signed up – Book your post winter inspection now

If you’ve been using your pride and joy through the winter months you don’t have to worry about the road salt eating away at your brake pipes (That thought certainly keeps me awake at night). We can now take care of that for you with our underside wash service and our usual Garage Queens eye for detail. If you’ve not signed up for the Care Package, worry not. Drop us a line to discuss availability.

M3 - The Rat

In our own news I decided that the interior of the GQ M3 (dubbed “The Rat”) needed a bit of attention. The usual cracking leather and general ‘tired’ feeling needed addressing.

I’d fallen in love with the 20 Jahre material Richard has in his E34 M5. With a few calls to the right people I’d sourced the OE material. I went with one of our own GQ approved craftsmen with the job of the freshen up. Now I was reluctant to mess with the original specification of the car, but I am so happy with the results. Along with the underside wash maybe “The Rat” is a little harsh.

What have you been doing, got a story you want us to share? Get in touch.